青年vs政府无尽手机在线播放, Directed by filmmaker and scientist Christi Cooper, YOUTH v. GOV is the story of America's youth taking on the world's most powerful government. In 2015, twenty one young plaintiffs, ages 8 to 19, filed the lawsuit Juliana vs. United States, asserting a willful violation of their constitutional rights in creating our climate crisis. If they're successful, they'll not only make history, they'll change the future. 青年vs政府豆瓣评价: [Deleted]发表了评价:和Greta Thunberg隔岸相望的美国青少年全球变暖问题关注,所追求的司法挑战不仅系统体系的推进环保进程,也展示积极正面的社会参与活力;在美国退出巴黎协定、Greta Thunberg事件、BLM全民性抗议活动之后,更能体现青年气候关注项目的前瞻性和培养公共意识的价值【2020-11-30 15:15:23】 肉肉发表了评价:对这样的结局虽然失望,但仿佛也是情理之中…依然感谢这群勇敢的人的发声,希望有越来越多的人对环境保护的意识能苏醒,也希望有那么一丝机会事情会得到反转…然后2030年的人类回望这个时刻时能少一点后悔…【2022-04-30 14:43:35】青年vs政府免费看