这是发生在一一间自己的房间在线观看个昼夜间的故事。贵妮和陈风搬进了新的出租屋。紧凑的空间里,卧室几乎被房东留下的大床垫占满了,以至无法再放入一架书柜,贵妮只好将她的书籍挪到厕所。陈风沉迷游戏,丝毫没有帮贵妮打扫的意思。他精心打扮一番后,出门面试新工作了。贵妮在出租屋里强迫症似的打扫收拾每一个角落。夜晚又一次乏味的性爱后,心律失常的陈风陷入了失眠。他叮嘱贵妮陪着她一起失眠。次日醒来后,贵妮发现整个房间的空间秩序重新混乱了起来。 A young couple, Quiney and Chen Feng, find their new apartment occupied by a giant deserted mattress. Quiney expresses her wish to move off the mattress for her books but is causally dismissed by Chen Feng, who is a game-addict and seems irresponsible to his own career as an artist. As he leaves for job interview, Quiney is left alone to sort up the room, with the unwanted mattress standing firm to its ground. After a passionless sex and nonconsensual insemination, Quiney wakes up to find the room in disorder again. She realizes something must be thrown out.