633轰炸大队淘片手机在线播放, 633轰炸大队卧龙手机在线播放, 633轰炸大队无尽手机在线播放, 633轰炸大队极速云手机在线播放, In the spring of 1944 an RAF Mosquito Squadron are ordered to attack a German rocket fuel plant in Norway. The mission involves flying up a heavily defended fjord and bombing a cliff overhang in an attempt to bury the factory, which is built into the rock. I bought this on DVD in a '3 for £20' offer, as I had fond memories of it from childhood, and it had been around 20 years since I last remember seeing it. I have to say that it's not nearly as good as I remembered it to be. The plot is full of cliches and there's the inevitable love interest for the lead. That said, there are points to recommend it. Cliff Robertson gives another reliable performance as the Wing Commander in charge of the squadron, and there are equally dependable turns from Harry Andrews and Donald Houston. The numerous flying sequences with the Mosquito Bombers are expertly filmed, and it's a real bonus to finally see the film in its correct 2.35:1 aspect ratio. The special effects aren't bad for 1964, and Ron Goodwin's famous score underpins the whole venture. The main problem that I have with the film is that it borrows heavily from 'The Dam Busters' in terms of plot, without ever scaling the heights (no pun intended) of that classic. It may have lush Panavision photography, better effects etc., but lacks the nail biting tension and expertly constructed drama of its predecessor. However, it's perfectly acceptable entertainment, if somewhat abrupt at the end. Was the above comment useful to you? 633轰炸大队豆瓣评价: LoudCrazyHeart发表了评价:牺牲个体来成全大局,客观来说,这次行动确实延缓了纳粹敌军的进攻,但用进步的意识来看这部影片的主题,这样的胜利配得上胜利吗,你会为此骄傲吗?结尾其实已经有质疑了,但是指挥官一句“你摧毁不了一个中队”,不说他冷酷无情,但至少也是自我欺骗和此时此刻的感性意识至上,又恰好和自己之前为行动做出的所有理性决定相违背。【2019-06-06 10:35:42】 千寻亿选发表了评价:虽然人物众多,但是几乎每一个都有血有肉。片尾的点评很好:你无法摧毁一个中队。【2013-05-25 08:58:32】 深溪虎发表了评价:战争就是这样,所有的人都是棋子而已【2015-05-09 18:37:04】 溺死的渔王发表了评价:《岁月神偷》里罗进一和罗进二有提到……其他几部如《宾虚》都早已看过,唯有这部是压根就没听说过,怀揣着好奇下载下来,结果声音和字幕不同步,极大影响了观感。【2017-07-28 21:04:07】 马背上的水手发表了评价:战机、武器都很真实,特效稍欠。 得悉派遣的挪威抵抗领导人被俘,担心在严刑逼供下泄露机密,专门派飞机轰炸将其灭口,符合逻辑。英国人敢于坦然承认这点,值得赞许!【2021-07-28 04:08:58】 锦鱼发表了评价:挺老的一部电影了,还行吧,剧情很简单,爱国情操【2019-07-24 23:56:07】 小超发表了评价:片子的最后有点共产主义万岁的样子,但是,演的比较真实,让人感动的同时,又没有过度的去渲染。白天战友刚刚牺牲,晚上就开party,体现战争的残酷与乐趣。【2008-11-28 21:53:50】 曾经巫山难为云发表了评价:特技水平极其一般。也没什么名角。不值得一看。【2019-08-14 10:19:01】633轰炸大队免费看