拳族量子手机在线播放, A Sports Drama film, Set during the 1970s, the film revolves around a clash between two clans namely Sarpatta Parambarai and Idiyappa Parambarai in North Chennai, which also showcases the boxing culture in the locality and also the politics being involved in it. 拳族豆瓣评价: Cheelim发表了评价:应该配上男儿当自强和多几场歌舞片段【2021-08-31 13:48:21】 迷恋折耳猫ॐ发表了评价:南印的风格迥异啊。还能看到很多传承的非遗。也正因此,并非那么就容易“入门”。看了也有十几部了,偶尔还是会有点“不适”的症状。相比之下宝莱坞则是越来越欧美化,显得没什么特色。【2021-08-30 14:21:55】 发表了评价:码头工人转行打拳,历尽曲折称霸擂台,五十年前的印度拳击故事【2021-12-07 17:04:16】拳族免费看