Chaaw百度云CHAAW -五个相互关联的故事,突出了不公正的受害者。中国,赫克托,非洲,阿德纳斯和韦斯利(CHAAW)这些是美国不公正受害者的故事。不公正的影响不仅影响个人,而且影响他们的家庭和社区。故事由传奇人物比兹·马基通过韵律和他特殊的口技来讲述。 CHAAW - Five interconnected stories highlighting victims of injustice. China, Hector, Africa, Ardnas and Wesley.(CHAAW) These are the stories of victims of Injustice in America. The effect of injustice not only impacts the individuals but also their families and community. The stories are narrated by the legendary Biz Markie through rhymes and his special beatboxing talent.