18岁的以色列士兵Shlomi逃离加沙战场,前往特拉维夫的女友,却发现以色列国防军精英确信他是在战争迷雾中被绑架的。这是一段悲喜交织的旅程,发生在特拉维夫湿热的街道上,时间长达24小时,从恐怖到希望,从消失的士兵在线观看浪漫到噩梦。 导演的注意: 爱情与法律的冲突,也是气喘吁吁的奔跑与麻痹的冲突。其中一个将Shlomi从饱受战争蹂躏的加沙地带叛逃到特拉维夫,投奔他心爱的人的怀抱。另一个威胁着他的生存和他周围的世界。 Shlomi, an eighteen-year-old Israeli soldier, flees the Gaza battlefield and heads to his girlfriend in Tel Aviv only to discover that the IDF elite is convinced he was kidnapped in the fog of war. This is a tragi-comic journey, taking place over a period of 24 hours in the hot and humid streets of Tel Aviv, shifting from terror to hope, from romance to nightmare. Director's Note: The clash between love and law is also the clash between breathless running and paralysis. One pushes Shlomi to defect from war-torn Gaza to Tel Aviv, to his beloved's arms. The other threatens both his existence and the world around him.