少林是中国禅宗和功夫的发源地,在这里,和尚们以一种看似矛盾的方式,通过练习最致命的武术来追求佛教的和平与启蒙。影片记录了几位少林僧人在少林在线观看和前来进行实地考察的塞尔维亚年轻女人类学家的生活。当今世界如此混乱,这些内行人和外行人能在这里找到佛教的内心平静和痛苦的终结吗? Shaolin is the birthplace of Chinese Chan and Kung Fu, where in a seemingly paradoxical way, the monks pursuing Buddhist peace and enlightenment through the practice of deadliest martial arts. The film observes life of several Shaolin monks and Serbian young female anthropologist who came to conduct fieldwork. With so much chaos in today’s world, can these insiders and outsiders find the Buddhist inner peace and the ending of suffering here?